Deadly Spiders

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Spider-morphs can be found in almost any part of Lilith's Realm, although they prefer the cloak of darkness to sunlit areas. Their chitinous limbs and large, spinneret-equipped tail are usually enough to identify a person as a spider-morph. Spider-morphs who have a huge, spider-like lower body instead of bipedal legs are known as driders.


While the individual personalities of spider-morphs vary somewhat from one individual to another, they are usually both dominant and territorial. Although incredibly dangerous to meet in the wild, civilized spider-morphs have a reputation for sexual prowess and dominance, and so get far more attention than they would prefer. About half of all spider-morphs have six arms, which greatly improves their ability to quickly spin their prey and wrap them up in the silk they produce from their spinnerets.

A large part of what makes spider-morphs so dangerous to meet in the wild is the fact that they have been known to keep their cocooned victims wrapped up in their lair for days or even weeks, all the while using them for sexual purposes. If they have the right equipment, the victim of a spider-girl's imprisonment will undoubtedly find themselves being used for fertilising her eggs. Whether the victim is able to perform this duty or not, they're highly likely to find themselves having their orifices used as incubation chambers. Victims of a spider-boy are kept as a sex toy until their captor grows bored of them and releases them somewhere far from their lair, by which time female victims are usually pregnant.

Like most other races, spider-morphs get affected by arcane storms. However, this is very rarely seen, as urban spider-morphs are rarely outdoors to begin with.

A spider-morph's offspring will be a mixture of spider-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.