Demonic Half-breeds

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Half-demons come in two main varieties; human half-demons, and non-human half-demons. Both types of half-demon are looked down upon in demon society, but are still considered to be of more importance than any non-demonic race.

Non-human half-demons can transform their face and torso from human to animal-morph and back, but all other non-demonic parts of their bodies are immutable as animal-morph parts. Demonic eyes, horns, and sometimes wings are clear indications that a particularly savage-looking morph is a half-demon. Human half-demons have slightly more limited transformation abilities, and, while still being able to transform the size of all body parts, their only racial transformation ability consists of removing or altering their horns, wings, and tail.


Non-human half-demons are particularly wild and animalistic at times, and, depending on their race, can exhibit extremely unpredictable behaviour, ranging from extreme aggression to intense sexual desire. Due to this, they struggle to fit in to Dominion society, and can instead be found out in the wilder regions of the world.

Unlike their wild counterparts, human half-demons are very calm and civil, but it's not their behaviour that's the cause of demonic resentment, but their bodies. Lilith's hatred of humans is well known, and so for a demon or lilin to have copulated with one is somewhat of a minor taboo. More serious than this, however, is that human half-demons are the origin of the despised race of crude, uncivilised, sex-obsessed imps. Human half-demons who breed with either a non-demon or another human half-demon will produce a brood of imps, and as such, many human half-demons are extremely reluctant to get pregnant.

A half-demon's offspring depends on what race their partner is. A non-human half-demon will always produce more of their half-demon race, with the only exceptions of always producing human half-demons if partnered with a human half-demon, and producing imps if bred with an imp. A human half-demon, on the other hand, will produce more human half-demons when coupled with a lilin, demon, or half-demon, and imps with any other race.