Equine Encyclopedia

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Horse-morphs are one of the more common anthropomorphic races found in this world.​ A pair of horse-like ears and a swishing tail are usually enough to identify a horse-morph.​ If a horse-morph grows a pair of feathered wings, they will be defined as a 'pegasus-morph'.​ A single horn growing out of their forehead marks them as a 'unicorn-morph', while having both wings and horn is enough to define someone as an 'alicorn-morph'.​


Horse-morphs have the reputation of being all brawn and no brains.​ There is some truth behind this characterisation, as most horse-morphs are quite dull-witted, although they are usually far stronger than the other common races.​ Horse-morphs are usually very haughty, and take great offence at any perceived sleight against them.​

Horse-morphs, like the other common races, get heavily affected by arcane storms.​ Being exposed to arcane thunder will make horse-boys enter a potent rut, which, when combined with their great strength, makes them a dangerous person to meet in the middle of an arcane storm.​ Horse-girls will react to arcane thunder by going into heat, and will force themselves on anyone they might come across.​

A horse-morph's offspring will be a mixture of horse-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.​