Moonlit Stripes

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Although they're an extremely rare sight in Dominion, badger-morphs are one of the more common morphs which can be found in the Foloi Fields.​ A furry body, with distinctive striped black-and-white hair or facial fur, is usually enough to identify someone as a badger-morph.​


While the personality of badger-morphs can vary greatly on an individual basis, they are typically very intelligent and highly social, and will not shy away from a fight if it's to protect their territory or loved ones.​ While male badger-morphs are known to be a lot more territorial than their female counterparts, badger-girls will still often choose to fiercely defend their homes instead of fleeing from intruders.​

A large portion of the badger-morph population live in underground burrows, referred to as setts, which can be found throughout the Foloi Fields.​ These homes are as different from a feral badger's sett as you could imagine, for instead of consisting of pitch-black, muddy tunnels, a badger-morph's home will be clean, well-lit, and furnished in a homely, rustic manner.​ Badger-morphs typically share these often-sprawling underground homes with relatives and close friends, which together form clans.​ It's not uncommon to find clans of twenty badger-morphs all living under one roof, with the largest clan being known to have reached a population of over fifty.​

Possessing sturdy, strong bodies, badger-morphs are excellent physical labourers.​ Although badger clans are largely self-sufficient, badger-morphs will often work on farms or do seasonal construction jobs, especially digging, in order to earn the flames to purchase items which they don't grow or make themselves.​

Badger-morphs, like the other common races, get heavily affected by arcane storms.​ Being exposed to arcane thunder will make badger-boys seek out a partner to mate with, while badger-girls will go into heat.​

A badger-morph's offspring will be a mixture of badger-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.​