Playful Ferrets

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Ferrets prefer the temperate climate and open country of the Foloi Fields but also inhabit the more heavily wooded areas to its east as well as Elis.​ Some may even venture as far as the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon or Dominion.​ Their pointed snouts, long bodies, and penchant for physical flexibility make them distinct from other morphs.​


Although not all ferret-morphs are the same, they are stereotyped as being curious and playful sometimes to a fault.​ A confined ferret-morph deprived of entertainment will quickly become bored and desperate for any sort of stimulation.​ Extended confinement may even begin to wear on their mental faculties.​ The ferret's signature combat move is the War Dance, yet this zig-zagging maneuver does not always indicate hostility.​ Towards someone they are familiar with, it can serve as a friendly greeting.​

Like most other races, ferret-morphs are affected by arcane storms.​ Ferret-girls must be especially careful as being exposed to arcane lightning up close will put them into heat.​ If this heat is not resolved, they will eventually become sick.​

A ferret-morph's offspring will be a mixture of ferret-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.​