Porky Porcines

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While they're typically a common sight in the Foloi Fields and forests, pig-morphs can be found in cities all over Lilith's Realm.​ A chubby, hair-coated body, with pig-like ears, hoofs, or snout, will be enough to identify someone as a pig-morph.​


While the personalities of pig-morphs can vary greatly from person to person, they have a rather well-earned reputation for being gluttons.​ As a result of their love of food, pig-morphs tend to be a little chubby, if not outright fat.​ They don't seem to mind this state of affairs, however, as only a very few pig-morphs actually take the time and effort to stay fit and healthy.​

Pig-morphs, like the other common races, get heavily affected by arcane storms.​ Being exposed to arcane thunder will make pig-boys seek out a partner to mate with, while pig-girls will go into heat.​

A pig-morph's offspring will be a mixture of pig-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.​