Strolling Bears

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Bear-morphs can be found throughout the Realm's cold and temperate regions as well as the cities within those regions.​ Their large size, powerful claws, and short tails distinguish then among other morphs.​ A notable subspecies found mostly in the Shinrin Highlands is the panda-morph, who are usually smaller in size and have a distinct black-and-white pelt.​


Although individual bear-morphs differ from one another, they are generally wary of strangers and reluctant to even smile at someone they are unfamiliar with.​ To outsiders they may seem to be a grim and dour race, but among family and friends they can be warm and easygoing.​ In the winter months, bear-morphs do not hibernate but do become more sleepy.​ It is not uncommon to find bear-morphs asleep during mealtimes or napping on park benches during this time.​

Unlike their more widespread cousins, the panda-morph is considerably less standoffish.​ They may be considered harder to provoke and easier to befriend.​ Living in the relatively consistent climate of the Shinrin Highlands has gradually removed their need for hibernation, and many choose to descend to lower-lying areas to escape colder weather.​

Like most other races, bear-morphs get affected by arcane storms.​ How strongly they are affected depends on their proximity to the storm with the most strongly affected becoming extremely territorial.​

A bear-morph's offspring will be a mixture of bear-morphs and offspring of their partner's race.​