Enchanting Guide

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Enchanting items and equipment is one of the key mechanics in Lilith's Throne. Enchanting equipment allows you to buff your stats, or to seal/enslave defeated opponents. Enchanting food items into potions lets you transform yourself or others, changing the size, properties or even species of various body parts. Enchanting drinks can turn them into potions to instantly restore large amounts of health and mana. Enchanting items costs essence gained through sex and combat. Selling enchanted items made from store-bought or looted items is a decent way of making money, if you've got the essence needed to enchant them.

Using the Enchanting Menu

Enchanting can be done on items in your inventory in any neutral scene (meaning not in combat or during sex). Click a valid item in your inventory, and the "Enchant" button will appear in the selected item tab.

Clicking the "Enchant" button then opens the Enchanting menu:

Enchanting menu with boxes highlighting important sections
  • Primary Modifier (red) - Groupings of enchantment effects for a particular body part, arcane stats, physique stats, etc.
  • Secondary Modifier (orange) - Individual enchantment effect types. For example, changing the type, length and girth of a character's penis, or removing it entirely.
  • Potency and Limit (yellow) - Potency determines the strength of an individual enchantment effect. For transformative and buff potions, it's how much each effect changes at once/ (ex: +1, +5, or +15 health buff, or -1, -5, -15 health debuff). For equipment enchantments to change the body over time (such as slowly increasing bust size over time), it determines how frequently the effect triggers (weekly, daily, hourly) and whether it's a gain or loss. For incremental body transformations, whether in a one-shot potion or on an equipment for changes over time, the Limit selection allows you to set a stop point for the transformation (such as only growing a penis up to 30 cm).
  • Effect Summary (green) - Shows all the information for an effect based on what is selected above, as well as the essence cost and enchantment capacity cost. Clicking the "Add" button adds the enchantment effect tot he Effect List.
  • Effect List (blue) - A list of all the enchantment effects ready to be placed onto the item or into the potion. Also has total essence cost and enchantment capacity cost. Effects can be removed with the red [x] on the right of each effect. When re-enchanting or disenchanting an enchanted equipment item, this list is filled with existing effects, and effects can be removed from here.
  • Craft and Save/Load buttons (purple) - Clicking "Craft" makes the enchanted equipment or potion. Save/Load allows you to save sets of enchantments for a particular item type, then load them later, useful for making commonly-used potions.

The overall process goes like this:

  1. Select an item from the inventory, click the "Enchant" button
  2. Choose a primary modifier, secondary modifier, potency and limit for the effect
  3. Add the effect to the list
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 to add more/different effects
  5. Click "Craft"

Transformative Potions

Enchanting menu for a TF potion
An example potion to transform a character into a greater mouse-morph.

Transformative potions are the primary intended way to transform yourself or others. These potions are made using consumables associated with each race, which are usually food items. The description of the item usually mentions a particular race, and the icon has a colored background with a silhouette of the associated race. For reference, a table of ingredients for all current base game races a table is in #Ingredients.

The transformation effects available for potions are grouped into areas as the Primary Modifier, such as core stats (body size, height, etc.) and one for each body part. Then in each area, there will be specific changes to that area, as Secondary Modifiers, for transforming that part's type, size, modifiers, etc.

Transforming height, muscle, body size, femininity, and body hair are under the "Core" area:

In the secondary effects for most parts, there will be one or more green butterfly icons, each corresponding to a variant of that body part (ex: different horn types). For parts that can be removed entirely, like genitals, wings, and horns, there will also be a red X to add a "remove this part" effect:

To be considered a certain race, most of the parts (excluding genitals, and some parts that are considered "generic" like most horn types) have to be of that race. To be considered a "greater" morph, there can only be one race found among the major parts.

To be considered a specific subspecies, there are requirements that the character's body needs to meet. In some cases, this can be done with just a TF potion, by giving the character specific types of body parts. Other times, the character needs to have specific colors, patterns or modifiers on their fur/scales/skin, which need to visit to Kate's shop in the Shopping Arcade to change it.

One exception for potions: Slimes are transformed by consuming a Biojuice Canister directly, without enchanting it into a potion. A potion made from the canister instead converts a slime back into a fleshy form.

Demons are immune to transformation effects on potions or equipment that would change body part types (for example, they can't be transformed to have a fox face or tail with a potion). However, they are not immune to effects that resize parts, add/remove parts (such as genitals), or change the modifiers for parts. Normally this isn't very relevant, as situations where you could feed a demon a transformative potion either give you the option to force them to self-transform (after winning combat), or are with characters that won't accept potions from you (such as sex scenes with various special NPC demons, such as Kate).


Race Potion Base
Human Bread Roll
Alligator Gator's Gumbo
Badger Berry Trifle
Bat Fruit Bat's Salad
Bear Honey Bread
Capybara Chocolate Brownie
Cat Kitty's Reward
Cattle Bubble Cream
Deer Tree Shoots Salad
Dog Canine Crunch
Dragon Pink,Yellow,Red Dragonfruit
Ferret Sausages
Fox Chicken Pot Pie
Goat Billy's Best
Gryphon Pâté and Crackers
Harpy Bubblegum Lollipop
Horse Sugar Carrot Cube
Hyena Bone Crunchers
Mouse Harvest Mouse's cheese
Octopus Shrimp Cocktail
Otter Fish and Chips
Panther Panther's Delight
Pig Oinkers Fries
Rabbit Bunny Carrot-Cake
Raccoon Popcorn
Raptor Raptor energy bar
Rat Brown Rat's Burger
Reindeer Sugar Cookie
Salamander Apple Pie à la Mode
Shark Tuna Sashimi
Sheep Woolly Goodness
Slime Biojuice Canister**
Snake Boiled Eggs
Spider Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans
Squirrel Round Nuts
Wolf Meat and Marrow

** Biojuice Canisters can turn characters into slimes without being converted to a potion first. Potions made from them will turn slimes back into a fleshy form. See: #Special Potions

TF Costs

The cost of a transformation effect, in essence, depends on the area and potency. Adding a part, transforming the part type, or adding a modifier uses the "minor boost" potency.

Area Cost (minor/regular/major)
Random Non-Racial TF 3
  • Face
  • Torso
  • Core
  • Arm
  • Leg Type
Leg Configuration 19

Most parts:

  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Hair
  • Antennae
  • Horns
  • Tentacles
  • Wings
  • Ass
  • Breasts/Crotch-Breasts
  • Penis
  • Vagina
Removing a part:
  • Antennae
  • Horns
  • Wings
  • Breasts/Crotch-Breasts
  • Penis
  • Vagina
Fluids 6/19/13 ( 0 if the School of Water bonus is active)

Restorative and Buff Potions

See also: Potion Effects

Attribute potions can give powerful (but temporary) stat bonuses, as well as restoring health and aura. These potions are made from consumables without an associated species, usually Drinks.

The effects available to a potion fall under four categories: Physique, Lust, Corruption and Arcane. The kind of potion that can be made from an attribute potion ingredient is given by the background color (and usually the stats the raw item gives). Physique is red, lust is pink, corruption is magenta and arcane is purple.

The effects available to each kind of potion are show below, using the "minor boost" potency for each. Physique potions can restore health, lust and arcane potions can restore aura, and corruption potions restore both at once.

Potion Costs

The cost of a transformation effect, in essence, depends on the attribute and potency.

Attribute Cost (minor/regular/major)
  • Health restore/drain (20%/40%/60%)
  • Aura restore/drain
  • Health and Aura restore/drain
  • Max Health
  • Max Aura
  • Physique
  • Corruption
  • Enchantment Capacity
  • Critical Power
  • Physical Damage
  • Weapon Damage (Melee/Ranged)
  • Elemental Damage (Fire/Ice/Poison)
  • Resistances (Physical/All Elemental/Lust)
  • fertility/virility
  • Spell Damage and Efficiency

Special Potions

A few items have unique effects when converted into potions.

Angel's Nectar turns into a special Angel's Purity potion, which can reduce Corruption for 16/19/23, and either restore or remove the a character's hymen ( 5) (though their virginity is tracked separately).

Biojuice Canisters can be used to convert a slime into a fleshy form ( 16).

Mystery Kinks turn into a special Fetish Endowment potion, which can increase/decrease a character's desire towards a fetish, or add or remove fetish traits. The fetish can be random within body/behavioral kinks ( 4/7 for minor/regular potency) or for a specific fetish ( 12/15 for minor/regular potency).

Potion Effects for special potions


While equipment enchantments are added to a piece of equipment using the same menu as potions, there are some differences in how they work and how they were used. Potions cannot be modified once created, while equipment enchantments can be removed or added to after being enchanted. Attribute buffs on equipment are static while the item is equipped and consume enchantment capacity, while potion attribute buffs don't use that capacity but only persist as long as the "Potion Effects" status effect remains. Equipment transformation effects occur over time up to a set limit, while a potion's transformations all occur instantaneously. Clothing can be enchanted to give a character a certain fetish as long as it is being worn. Additionally, there are some equipment effects only available to clothing that act as limiting curses on the wearer.

Weapons can be enchanted only with attribute modifiers. Clothing (including piercings) can also have the transformation-over-time, fetish, and special curse effects.

Attribute Effects

Attributes are divided into two primary modifiers - "Core Attributes" (Max HP/Aura, Physique, Arcane and Corruption) and "Attributes" (Elemental Damage/Resistances, Attack Damages, Fertility/Virility). Attribute enchantment effects are available to both weapons and clothing.

The following table lists the essence cost (for minor/regular/major potency) and enchantment capacity (major drain/drain/minor drain/minor boost/boost/major boost).

Attribute Essence Cost Capacity
Max Health and Aura 23/26/30 0/0/0/1/2/3
Physique, Arcane 27/30/34 0/0/0/1/2/3
Corruption 27/30/34 3/2/1/0/0/0
fertility and virility 9/12/16 0/0/0/0/0/0
All other attributes 9/12/16 0/0/0/1/2/3

Special Effects

Three special effects are available to be put onto a clothing item. From left to right: Sealing, Servitude and Enslavement. Sealing prevents the wearer from removing the piece of clothing. The player can remove sealed equipment by spending essence after being taught by Lilaya, but the seal remains on the equipment. The potency of this effect determines how much essence is required to unlock the enchantment. The unseal cost is 5/25/100/500 essence for minor boost/minor drain/drain/major drain (cost to put the sealing enchantment on is 27/27/30/34).

Servitude prevents the wearing from unlocking sealed clothing or using self-transformation. If the player wears seal clothing that also has this effect, they will need to go to Lilaya to unlock it. Costs 27 to apply.

Enslavement is used to enslave characters by putting the clothing onto them. When equipped onto a enslaveable character (usually attackers on alleyways), it will teleport them into Slaver Alley. Trying to do this for characters that can't be enslaved will do nothing. Costs 27 to apply. [⚠️ WIP/Not Fully Implemented! 0.4.9⚠️] Currently, characters can be enslaved without also applying the sealing and servitude effects. A planned feature is for the player's slaves to attempt escapes, with the attempt and success chances increased in the slave has low obedience/affection and if their enslaving clothing is not sealed.

Fetish Effects

Fetish enchantments will influence a character's desire towards a particular fetish while the clothing item is worn. The potency determines how many stages (hate, dislike, neutral, like, love) up or down the desire goes. Minor drains and boost move it by one stage (for example "neutral" to "like"), regular boosts/drains move it by two (ex: "like" to "dislike"). Major Boost will grant the character the fetish while worn, keeping the desire level effectively at the highest "love". A Major Drain will lock the desire to the lowest "hate", unless they have that fetish. This cannot override having a fetish, whether or not that fetish was granted by equipment. Fetish enchantments cost 12/15/19 to apply for minor/regular/major potencies. Unlike other equipment enchantments, they cannot be removed for free, and cost the same amount of essence to remove.

Transformation Effects

Transformation enchantments for equipment periodically apply small changes over time while a clothing item is worn. These effects can grow and shrink body parts, change a person's femininity/body shape, and increase or decrease fluid production, and add/remove modifiers to various orifices. (It cannot change certain modifiers available to transformative potions, such as adding knots to cocks.) The effect potency determines how often an effect is applied, (minor is weekly, regular is daily and major is hourly) and whether it its growth/increase (boost) or removal/decrease (drain). For characteristics like penis length and breast size, each enchantment will increase or decrease it by 1 unit (usually cm or arbitrary units like cup size) every time it triggers. For these incremental changes, there is additionally a "limit", past which the enchantment has no effect. For boolean characteristics that are either present or not (like orifice modifiers, or having a penis), the enchantment will make the change each time it triggers, usually doing nothing as that characteristic is already present.

Enchantment effects that add a part (such as growing a penis), incrementally change a body property (such as increasing penis size if it's present) or add a modifier (such as making nipples puffy) cost 6/9/13 to add, the cost depending on potency (weekly/daily/hourly). Enchantments that remove a part (such as removing a penis) cost 7/10/14 for removal in a week, day or hour.

Transformation effects on equipment don't directly interfere with transformations from other sources, such as potions or Demon/Slime self-transformation. However, since they trigger automatically while worn, they can help maintain a character in a certain state, for example making sure that a character remains feminine.

Demons are immune to transformation effects on potions or equipment that would change body part types (for example, they can't be transformed to have a fox face or tail with a potion). However, they are not immune to effects that resize parts, add/remove parts (such as genitals), or change the modifiers for parts. Normally this isn't very relevant, as situations where you could feed a demon a transformative potion either give you the option to force them to self-transform (after winning combat), or are with characters that won't accept potions from you (such as sex scenes with various special NPC demons, such as Kate).